
Why U.S. needs to ratify women’s rights treaty

For a country that prides itself of being ahead of the curve as far as human rights are concerned, the US still has a ton of work to do – and it should start with women’s rights. It’s really shocking and even insulting that we don’t have some sort of agreement that protects all women from unfair violence and abuse – you would think this is a no-brainer in 2013. We could all benefit from granting women equal protection and rights…here’s a great article with tons of facts by Emily…

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“The Barbie:” A new low in plastic surgery

My heart breaks when I hear stories about women being so dissatisfied with their bodies that they are willing to chop a part of it off – especially when they are perfectly normal. Labiaplasty – vaginal plastic surgery – is becoming more and more common, and I believe this is due to the fact that mostly surgically reconstructed and “touched up” vaginas as shown in adult films and photos. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful. Here is a sad yet informative article by Katie…

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Sexism in politics: Ashley Judd gets slut-shamed

Of course it sucks that sexism still exists…but it’s really disheartening when it is used to hold women back politically. It is so unfair that Ashley Judd, running for Senate against Mitch McConner, is being attacked for the nude scenes she has done as an actress…as if this should somehow discredit her and affect her intelligence. There is a huge difference with the way female and male actors are portrayed in films with nude scenes as well as how it affects their careers – as can be pointed out in…

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Why Seth MacFarlane’s misogyny matters

If you watched the Oscars, you might have noticed that Seth MacFarlane made a lot of jokes about women. A lot of people were upset about this, however they were met with the saying (which is used over and over to excuse bad behavior) “You can’t take a joke?” Well, if you look closer, you’ll see that the Oscars is not a very supportive place for women and that Seth’s jokes were inappropriate. This article by Margaret Lyons for Vulture shows how dismissing these kinds of remarks, laughing along and encouraging…

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Kotex: breaking the cycle and ending the silence

Here’s a very sad reality: a great percentage of women know little or nothing about their vaginas and are actually ASHAMED of them! There are even some women who think their vaginas are ugly, weird and that their periods and other natural vaginal functions are disgusting and need to be hidden! This is just UNACCEPTABLE! Well, tampons and pads manufacturer Kotex is trying to change that. Kotex has a great campaign geared toward young women that tries to break stereotypes about periods that are prevalent throughout conventional ads for menstrual…

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