
How To Handle Body Shaming Like A Boss: Holiday Edition (VIDEO)

body shaming

The holidays can be a very rough time for those with body image issues. Even those of us who are long recovered from eating disorders or self esteem issues can be triggered by body shaming! But it doesn’t have to be this way. One of the most common things women will deal with around the holidays is body shaming from loved ones. They may not mean any harm, but these careless statements and judgments can truly ruin the holiday (and your body confidence) if you don’t have the awareness or…

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Throwing The Scale Away – My Journey To Find Balance In Life

Four years ago, I broke up with my then-boyfriend after a life of low self-esteem and nearly 6 years of a relationship that made me gain more than 30 pounds. Don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t unhappy in this relationship; I was, in fact, genuinely happy for the most part. Indeed, unlike people who eat their feelings out, I have a tendency to put on weight when I am happy, and to stop eating when I am not. No wonder I began to lose weight at the end of…

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The Ultimate Guide To Good Body Image During The Holidays

For most people, holidays are tough. They’re even tougher if you struggle with an eating disorder, body image issues, anxiety and perfectionism. To get you through this stressful period, we’ve curated the best advice from doctors and experts to help you feel your best and navigate sticky situations so you can enjoy the holidays and get through them with ease. TIP 1: Handle disrespectful, body shaming comments from relatives like a boss Here are some common scenarios and comments that our loved ones often make regarding our bodies, and sometimes they are completely…

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Will hiring healthy models affect sales?

At first, this post was going to open up to say, “We don’t exactly have widespread statistics or numbers on how the healthy models in ad campaigns affect the bottom line of a company’s sales.” Well, that’s not exactly true. Further research revealed there are a lot of increases of sales happening out there, across the board. It’s no secret that women want to see more models who look like them. Women want something they can relate to, and it shows. Here are the facts we know: Sales shot up 9%…

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The Surprising Relationship Between Bullying and Eating Disorders

Research has long shown that bullying has serious long-term effects for victims – everything from reduced self-esteem to a greater risk for heart disease, migraines, anxiety and many more devastating conditions. New research by scientists at Duke University Medical Center, however, has shown that both victims and bullies have a higher risk of anxiety, depression and eating disorders. The study, published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, involved 1,420 children, some of whom were involved in cases of bullying (either as bullies or victims) and others of which had not…

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