
Designer Jean Paul Gaultier on true beauty and embracing age

No woman wants to grow old. We dye our gray hairs and conceal wrinkles under makeup as an effort to hide the signs of aging. But instead of hiding or trying to fix indicators of maturity, French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier says we should be embracing our age, wrinkles and all.

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Study says women lose their looks at 35 years old

Another day, another beauty study designed to make women feel bad about getting older. Researchers at Japanese skincare brand SK-II conducted a study with Fukui University and claim to have pinpointed the exact age when ladies start rapidly maturing. Apparently at 35.09 years old the magic aging fairy waves her wand and wrinkles start appearing, skin starts sagging, and your appearance won’t be able to rebound from things like lack of sleep or too many cocktails or a day in the sun quite the same way it used to. But…

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Must-read Guest Writer: Tumblr’s freshgypsy talks about women and self-abuse

I’m always saying that our Tumblr blog, which was a shot-in-the-dark-turned-gold, has led me to some amazing, ultra-inspiring people. One of these people is fellow Tumblr writer fresh gypsy, who was kind enough to share with me a confession-style piece from her blog. This particular confession was about the relationships that women have with their bodies and I found it to be really truthful and thought-provoking. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to think about your bodies in a more positive way!

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