
My Personal Body Image Journey

I have trouble sometimes sharing my personal body image story. I’m afraid of sounding like Regina George from Mean Girls: “I want to lose five pounds.” In the movie, she is a victim of many practical jokes because to everyone else she is thin, so her statement sounds more like the whining of a spoiled, superficial rich girl. However, we all have our insecurities thanks to our culture, and this is mine. I have never had an eating disorder, nor have I ever been what anyone would call fat, but…

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Why Kim Kardashian Isn’t Empowering

By now we’ve all seen the nude selfie of Kim Kardashian in her bathroom with black bars covering her naked body. And whether you’d like to admit it or not we’ve all seen her naked before at least once either by “accident” or out of curiosity. That’s fine. The female body should be seen as empowering, sensual and most importantly as a work of art that is capable of doing amazing things. We come in all different shapes and sizes, and should learn to love and appreciate the amazing bodies…

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The Games We Play: Why Going To The Park Gets Ruined By Street Harassment

Ever since I moved to New York two years ago, I’ve been overwhelmed by the experience. Normally when I’m overwhelmed, I’d spend time reading and writing outside. But even that becomes overwhelming in New York because actually getting to an outside that’s not concrete is a twenty-minute trip. The outdoor experience isn’t as good, either. I used to have a nice yard with a tree to lie under. Now I have to share that tree with at least two or three people, one of whom will inevitably be on a cell phone talking loudly about something…

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The Great Wall Of Vagina / An Interview With Artist Jamie McCartney

Jamie McCartney has been on our radar for a while, ever since we heard about his amazing sculpture, “The Great Wall of Vagina” – a powerful nod to diversity and the female form. This project – and all the dynamics of it – is fascinating and we’re so happy to be able to share Jamie’s words and experiences with all of you! Viva la Vulvalution! Tell us about yourself! I grew up in London but now I live on the coast. My mother is an artist and she took me…

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Going Vertical – An Interview With Pole Dancer Jillian Wilschke

We discovered Jillian Wilschke completely by accident – but we’re so glad we did! We stumbled across her pole dancing blog – Pole Geek – and were immediately inspired. Starting pole in 2011, Jillian has now worked her way up to competitive pole dancing while establishing her own fantasy wear line. We caught up with Jillian to talk about the art and stigmas of pole dancing, body image and empowerment – and we couldn’t wait to share her knowledge with all of you! Tell us about yourself! I am a…

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