
Why We Need To Leave Renée Zellweger’s Face The F*ck Alone

By now, most of us have seen Renée Zellweger’s “facial transformation” that was posted to nearly every website and blog in existence. If you haven’t, this picture refers to what we’re talking about: This response from the media was prompted after Zellweger was seen at the 2014 ELLE Women In Hollywood Awards on Monday night. Once those photos were released, news sources were all over this with “what did she DO to her FACE?!” responses and plastic surgery accusations. I’m not going to deny that this post was originally going to be along…

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The Most Beautiful Vagina Ever: Yours!

I’m a huge supporter of vaginas and I’m pretty vocal about it. Whether it’s from showing (sometimes unexpecting) friends my “I’ll Show You Mine” book (yup – more on this later) to researching ways to fight female genital mutilation, I consider myself a lover and defender of them all. And ladies, I’m going to let you in on a secret that no one in the adult film or cosmetic surgery industry wants you to know: your vagina is perfectly normal and absolutely gorgeous! Vaginas come in all different shapes, colors, sizes and…

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Google shows us exactly why we still need feminism

You can find out anything you want to know on Google – and the ads above will show you why we still need feminism. This is proof that sexism and misogyny are still running rampant in our culture. Just do a quick Google search yourself, and let the world’s largest search engine remind you that women are still not viewed as equals. The ads you see above are from a campaign for UN Women by creative team Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai. The ads are meant to show that gender prejudice is still a major…

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Project Unbreakable: Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Speak Out

“Men can’t get raped.” It’s a horribly sexist and insensitive thing to say, especially to someone who has been sexually assaulted. Yet, it’s a common response, regardless of how wrong it actually is. It is estimated that one in six males are victims of sexual assault. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), 54% of incidents are not reported to police, so it could even more. Although most sexual assault victims are female, males are much less likely to come forward and seek help and support. Male survivors often…

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Suit Urself: Are we leaving men out?

We’ve been having a great time doing the Suit Urself Swimsuit Challenge this summer! It’s a great time for women to start accepting themselves in general…with so many body-positive movements and powerful women speaking out against the media and championing the individual woman’s right to love whatever body she has. There’s so much momentum in this healthier way of living and thinking. I can’t wait to see where it takes us in a few years’ time! However, I wish things were moving as quickly for men. Body image isn’t just…

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