Carie Charlesworth, a teacher from San Diego, was fired from her second grade teaching position of fourteen years at Holy Trinity School after a domestic abuse incident with her ex-husband. It needs to be said that Carie had a restraining order and a record of numerous 911 calls against her ex. After a bad weekend in January with her ex-husband, Charlesworth went into work and informed the school’s principal to be on the lookout in case her ex-husband showed up. Charlesworth’s ex showed up at the school and the building was put under lock down. A letter was sent home with the children who attend the Holy Trinity School, which Charlesworth’s four children also attend, so that the parents were aware of the incident. Three months later, Charlesworth received a letter in the mail from the school stating she was fired and that she would not be allowed to teach at any other Diocesan schools. Immediately filled with panic as to how she was going to find another job to take of her four children, Charlesworth decided to go public with her situation to bring awareness to the way victims of domestic violence are treated. Charlesworth said she felt like the one being punished even though she didn’t do anything wrong. I found Charlesworth’s situation very interesting. I had no idea the extent of domestic violence. I think we all mostly just think about the emotional or abusive effects it has on the abused and children. Reading Charlesworth’s story made me see the other side of domestic violence. It affects your employment and you can be punished for being the victim. Being a single parent is an immense job. To be able to work long enough hours and make enough money, take care of your children, and in Charlesworth’s case deal with an aggressive ex-husband is a lot to take on. I couldn’t imagine the devastation she must have faced when she was let go from her job and banned from working at any other Diocesan schools. I can also understand where the school is coming from, they are responsible for the safety of so many children and employees that it might just be a better choice to remove the threat. Statistically women are less likely to come out about abuse because they are afraid of the way people are going to see them, view them, perceive them, treat them. I hope that through Charlesworth’s brave move to come forward with her abuse and the reaction from the school it forces a change in the way domestic abuse cases and punishments are treated. A simple restraining order doesn’t really help anyone unless it is violated and by then it could be too late. It seems that stronger laws need to be put in place so that the victims don’t have to be afraid of losing their jobs or other stigmas for the things they cannot control. NBCNEWS



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