1367173783_kelsey-williams_1Sports writer Claire Crawford, yes a woman, took to her blog after seeing a Oklahoma City Thunder game to comment on a cheerleader. Kelsey Williams, the cheerleader in question by Crawford, was called a pretty blonde with a pudgy waistline who was too chunky to be an NBA cheerleader. Crawford then goes on to say “But if she’s comfortable wearing that tiny outfit and dancing for NBA fans, then good for her. Besides, not every man likes women to be toothpick skinny. I’d say most men prefer a little extra meat on her bones.” Why comment on Williams’ weight and then say that it’s OK for her to look the way she does? It’s very contradicting. You cannot insult someone and then follow it up with a compliment. It just makes what you said all the more wrong. Williams’ defended herself on twitter after hearing about the article by saying “To be womanly always, discouraged never.” I’m glad that Kelsey stuck up for herself and made no apologies for the way she looks. Not too long ago a former Raven’s cheerleader said that she was banned from attending the recent Super Bowl because of a five pound weight gain. It’s refreshing to see a cheerleader look so “healthy”, when so many are on weight restrictions. I don’t understand why when it is someone’s job to write about one thing, some people seem to go out of their way to comment on something entirely different. This whole situation reminds me of the review written about the movie “Identity Thief” staring Melissa McCarthy. The critic commented heavily on McCarthy’s weight and on how attractive Jason Batemen was compared to his co-star and less about the film itself. In my opinion, I think Kelsey looks great. Hopefully she changes nothing about herself and her employers don’t force her to change anything. I would love for other organizations to take note and that they stop the whole weight restriction. Yahoo!



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