First, let me say to you all: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Alright, back to biz.

Patricia Colli faces

August 2011: Frowning, Neutral, Smiling. Showing wear and tear!

For the first post of 2012, I’d like to introduce you to the launch of a project that I’ve wanted to do for a really long time: The Aging Project. It’s been long overdue, but I didn’t have the resources or opportunities at the time. Several months ago through a strange combination of events and acquaintances, I met a photographer who goes by the name of Rex Maverick. Naturally, the wheels in my head began to turn and I immediately knew I wanted to approach him with the project, after seeing some of his work. Luckily, he agreed! Patricia Colli eyeAnyway, I felt it was time for me to practice what I preached. The whole basis of The Aging Project is to document the human body (mine, for example – which is female). We’re always being bombarded with ideas on how to prevent or hide aging, but not how to embrace it or not be ashamed of it. So for the project, I’m going to have shots (unedited, of course!) taken of my face and body as well as hands and feet (which definitely show the effects of aging quickly). The facial shots will show neutral positions as well as frowning and smiling expressions. Hopefully in a few years, we’ll be able to judge from my wrinkles if I’ve been doing more smiling or frowning! So, what you’re looking at in the image above is my unedited 25 year old face. Below, my 25 year old feet and hands. I will be having my next Aging Project shots taken in August 2012, when I turn 26. Body shots have been taken, but I will wait until I have more of a sequence before putting them up. I think it’s going to be fascinating when I have a few years of shots! If you’d like to participate in the project, let me know! Email me at – I would LOVE to get more people involved! If you live in Philadelphia and would like your own shots taken, I invite you to contact Rex Maverick through his photography page. His rates are reasonable and he’s extremely professional.
Patricia Colli hands and feet

August 2011: My hands and feet!

So the next time you see these shots…I’m gonna look a little different! Happy aging and full living!



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